Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

'Twas the Night Before Christmas, FBN-Style

(With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
No one was trading, through a broker or mouse.

The portfolios were balanced by P.M.’s with care;
In the hopes that “St. Bonus” would soon be there.

The traders were quiet, all snug with their holdings;
As more firms prospered this year, and fewer were folding.

When out of the blue, there arose such a clatter
I logged online to check out the chatter.

Away to the Internet, I surfed like a pro;
Typed in the URLs and let myself go.

Now MarketWatch! Now Journal! Now Barron’s & blogs
On MySpace! On Facebook! On Twitter I slogged

Trying to see what will happen in 2010.
Then I remembered to flip on the tube and watch FBN!

A wish to all for lots of good cheer
Merry Christmas to you, and have a Happy New Year!

Drugstores will offer deals, stay open later for last-minute Santas‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, FBN-Style