Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009

Cavuto: You Want the War, You Pay for It

Missed Tuesday's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on

So big a speech at the White House, that the big guy's "not" even giving it from the White House.

Welcome, everybody, I'm Neil Cavuto and here's The Deal.

The single most important foreign policy address from this president since he became president.

So important...

...and so big that two hours from now, all broadcast networks will be on it. A first for this president.

And as he addresses West Point cadets tonight, a defining moment for this president and for them.

Think about it.

Because this isn't about a president likely calling up an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan.

This is about a president likely calling up "them" to Afghanistan.

Or a lot of them...Many of whom, within months, could be fighting there.

That's pretty quick.

And that's pretty expensive, too.

The Pentagon estimates each additional soldier costs a million dollars to deploy.

Big price.

Now, who pays it?

Talk is the president might expound on a war tax that's been bouncing around on Capitol Hill.

Something to the tune of one to five percent generally targeted at the wealthiest Americans.

The White House bottom line on this?

You want the war? You pay for the war?

But growing indications an increasing number of Americans do "not" want the war.

Hefty majorities in several polls indicating they see no endgame to this.

Indications tonight the president will outline withdrawing most U.S. Troops from Afghanistan in three years, then be done with this.

Tough sell. Tough pitch.

For conservatives who say he isn't doing enough.

And liberals who say he's doing too much.

And in the middle of this, global markets still oddly detached from all this.

Markets that have yet to grasp the costs and the risks of this Afghan crisis.

For the better part of a year, far more focused on a financial crisis.

They're relieved that financial crisis appears to be winding down.

Perhaps they're hoping eventually this Afghan crisis will do the same.

Cavuto: Bill on The Hill for Health-CareObama calls for jobs forum next month