Sonntag, 23. November 2008

Cabinet Choices Delivered a Rally, But Can They Deliver a Solution?

Missed tonight's Cavuto? Catch "The Deal" right here on

What a Cabinet choice!

What a game changer!

What a rally maker!

Not Hillary!


Here's the deal:

He doesn't have her name recognition or famous spouse.

Even though he's worked with her spouse.

Actually, Tim Geithner has worked with everyone.

President of the New York Fed, some are already calling him this president's best cabinet choice yet.

A man who's worked with this Treasury Secretary on what some call the rescue to the next Treasury Secretary who has to get that rescue going somewhere.

He'll have company.

Bill Richardson’s going to Commerce.

And talk our friend Austan Goolsbee could be going to the President's Council of Economic Advisors.

Not all signed, sealed, and delivered...But enough signed and enough sealed, to deliver a rally on Wall Street today.

The markets were essentially flat before word of these appointments started leaking out.


Because some on the Street seem to think this Cabinet could change things fast...

Who knows? This much we do know.

With Hillary Clinton at's not only a Cabinet of's a Cabinet of considerable heft.

And these days, red or blue...what these guys who like green more than anything else want is a new administration with heft and clout to get things going...and fast.

Obama to inherit red ink
Pick Paul Volcker