Dienstag, 31. März 2009

We're Headed in the Wrong Direction

Missed Monday's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on FOXBusiness.com

We come in peace to serve man.

...on a plate.

Which left stocks just on the floor.

Here's the deal:

Let's make a deal. And that's an order.

The government showing its heavy hand by giving the back hand to one of corporate America’s heaviest hitters.

Rick Wagoner out, because you botched it.

And Chrysler and Fiat. Do it. Or you might regret it.

You see where this is going?

Something's going. In a word, us.

I'm not saying capitalism didn't let us down.

I am saying the government not letting capitalism do its thing is going to let us down more.

Because a government big enough to fire executives, is a government big enough to eventually fire us.

Setting our pay. Setting our benefits. Setting our very lives.

Because it is not a stretch to assume a president using the excuse of taxpayer dollars at stake, takes that same excuse to argue intervention in companies for whom taxpayer dollars "could" be at stake.

What if drug prices get too high? That's hitting taxpayers. Fix 'em "for" taxpayers?

Gas prices get too high? That's hitting taxpayers. Forcibly lower them "for" taxpayers?

It's a slippery slope justifying Chavezian intervention for necessary intervention.

Because a government big enough to give you everything you want, truly is big enough to take away everything you have.

Arguing throughout that it's about looking after your interests.

And saying not a word that it "owns" your interests.

And owns something else.


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