Missed tonight's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on FOXBusiness.com
Clearly, the President of the United States doesn't have to demand FOX Business Network.
Methinks he already gets it.
Here's the deal:
He breaks news on Jay Leno.
Apparently, first watching us on FOX Business.
Now I can't prove the Fox Business thing.
But no denying what I heard on the Jay Leno interview thing.
The President saying, almost exactly, what we've been saying about this whole bonus rage.
It's understandable. But it's misplaced.
They're slapping the sin. But failing to prevent the sin.
What I’ve been saying. What the big guy just said.
Have a look:
Mister President, you're right.
And you owe me no royalty fees.
After all, you're the President.
And what the heck, who'd believe me if I said...you, the most powerful man on the planet...just ran with a line from the angriest Italian anchor on the planet?
But enough about me.