Freitag, 27. März 2009

We Don't Need 'More'...We Need 'Smarter'

Missed Thursday's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on

Hedge funds, quit hedging.

Your free-wheeling, free market days are over.

Here's the deal:

Last week he seemed to be hanging by a thread.

Today, scores of hedge fund managers are.

Tim Geithner, the man who found his mojo fast…fast taking advantage of it.

Vowing to crack down on the folks he says cracked up the economy.

No more secrets. Lots more regulations.

We've seen it for banks.

Today, an earful for the non-banks.

The hedge guys, the derivatives guys, even the money-market mutual fund guys.

Lots more oversight, guys.

Deal with it.

And today they were.

Oddly trading up on news the government's cracking down on everything they do, every trade they make, every third-party transfer they conduct.

Perhaps because Wall Street expected this, they're not surprised by this… some might welcome the inevitable closure from this....

A government intent on preventing another meltdown like we had last fall.

But are more regulations the answer, or just better ones?

And another federal acronym to do what quite a few of them already have not...

FDIC, SEC, SIPC, you see my point?

They all dropped the ball…who's to say a new uber-authority won't drop one, too?

Especially one under the watchful eye of the Treasury, itself asleep at the switch when all this went down…and headed by a political appointee last time I checked.

No doubt, regulations are coming. This always happens after crises.

We get more cops.

When all we needed were smarter ones.

Will stock market’s rally stick or vanish?
Del Biaggio broker is charged
Win Over Main Street, Win Over Wall Street