Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009

Party Poopers Take Washington

Missed tonight's Cavuto? Catch "The Deal" right here on

Let's see...

Democrats won't seat Roland Burris and it creates a circus.

They won't invite comedian Al Franken and it creates a stir.

And Caroline Kennedy's poll numbers are crashing in New York and now Democrats suspect it's creating a revolt.

Barack Obama, welcome to Washington.

And who knew "Swearing-In Day" could create so much swearing?

Here's the deal.

The President-elect has just met his party poopers.

And they're all from his party.

So suddenly from the gang that could never veer right...

We have the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

...jeopardizing an agenda where they tell us time is of the essence.

To an agenda that might take some time to get hopping on at all.

Since we're talking at least 800 billion smackers here, who am I to begrudge a little more thought and examination here?

Republicans have long been arguing that....

Who knew it would be the Democrats and their respective Senate circuses that would now...Guarantee that?

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