Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009

Cavuto: Apple in a Tough Spot

Missed tonight's Cavuto? Catch "The Deal" right here on

All we know is... He is sick.

Maybe very sick.

Maybe a lot more sick than a mere hormone imbalance would suggest.

It's hard to know.

Because we don't know.

And because even with his unusually candid letter to Apple (AAPL) employees today taking himself out of day-to-day operations today, Steve Jobs made darn sure we wouldn't know.

Or intrude.

Maybe if he were any average Steve, we wouldn't.

But this isn't any average Steve.

This is Steve Jobs...Apple founder and rescuer.

Visionary -- and for many, icon.

The man whose name is synonymous with the company's products that have now become ubiquitous.

The iPhone, the iPod, the iMac...Jobs, the "I" in all of that.

So when he tells Apple employees, "I" will no longer be running things for a while here...

Lots of worries there. Lots of worries everywhere.

The stock down. Everyone wondering what's up.

Just how sick is he?

And will he be healthy enough to return to the company at the end of June like he says he will be?

So many "heated" questions, ironically, for a man so universally equated with "cool."

Startups defy sour economy
Big Idea Inc. plans to downsize staff
Apple CEO Says He’s Suffering From Hormone Imbalance
Apple CEO Takes Medical Leave