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What's the rush?
The biggest financial rescue in the history of this country, and we're told get it done now or it could be the end of this country?
Please tell me why waiting a while to read this, understand this, make sense of the enormity of this..is a bad thing?
I mean didn't we get into this pickle "not" reading mortgage documents, not examining the details, not doing all the prudent thing prudent buyers should be doing?
We're supposed to do that on a loan and a lot of us did not.
And now, we as taxpayers are signing on to this huge loan, and a lot of our politicians tell us we should not?
Treasury secretary Hank Paulson himself says times-a-wastin'...sign the damn thing.
Not quite...but he had little patience for those who wanted to read a little more.
Why, Hank?
Playing fast and loose on details got us here? Why compound things here?
Believe me, Secretary, I share your concern that the more time that goes by, the more trinkets and goodies will be added onto this thing.