Sonntag, 14. September 2008

Cavuto: A Weekend for the Books

Missed tonight's Cavuto? Catch "The Deal" right here on

48 hours.

Two days.

One weekend.

One incredible test.

Because here's the deal, my friends:

They don't come as much "make-or-break" as these next couple of days.

Here's why.

Our economy and for some of us, our very lives are being put to the test.

In what could be a perfect storm, we're dealing with the season's worst hurricane and this season's most problematic banking rescue.

Both have markedly different stakes.

Ike is just a monster. A possible Category 3 storm that could easily get worse...But a storm so massive, so wide, so slow-moving, and so worrisome, that the governor of Texas has all but called for the evacuation of a quarter of his huge state.

Leaving aside the oil rigs and refineries there, and the bustling city of Houston in its potential wake, this is a potential giant of a storm, complete with 26 foot tides that will pass everything in its path, including, i might add, New Orleans, whose battered levies stand little more than 17 feet. You do the math. FEMA already has, and it's worried.

It's a Saturday event.

We hope it doesn't turn into a Sunday disaster.

Because on that day, a different storm...a financial one...that regulators hope to calm reportedly marshalling support, cobbling it together actually, for Lehman Brothers.

We're told no tax payer dollars will be involved...but we're also told federal backing for this huge facilitation will be involved, which leads this simple mind to ask, "doesn't that mean "taxpayer dollars" are involved?

No matter, it's a huge test. And for a government that has its own 4:30 movie of the week, turned rescue of the week, another test, another shot in the arm, another hail mary pass that "this" time is the charm. We'll see.

So...two big storms….two big tests.

Ike involves lives.

Lehman involves luck.

Both involve us...and could affect us...for some time to come.

48 hours.

They could very well redraw an election map.

And a financial one.

They could scare us, or unite us.

In 48 hours, we'll know.

Expert: Hurricane Ike’s Size Could Cause Massive Storm Surge