Donnerstag, 11. September 2008

Cavuto: Drilling on the Wrong Side of the Oil Issue

Missed tonight's Cavuto? Catch "The Deal" right here on

If you argue we're all energy junkies, is giving us a quick energy fix any way to break the addiction?

Here's the deal.

Barack Obama is now for tapping the strategic petroleum reserve.

Specifically, he wants Uncle Sam to sell 70 million barrels of oil from the stockpile to bring down gas prices.

Never mind the reserve is meant for national emergencies.

And never mind the good senator has argued we're addicted to this stuff.

Nothing "fuels" a political about-face like, well, fuel.

Obama shrewdly realizes that.

And today manifested a remarkable 180-degree change to prove that.

Not only is Obama now open to tapping the reserve, he's also open to tapping for more oil, period.

Drilling is ok now.

Tapping oil companies' profits to help us afford that oil, more than OK now.

Leaving aside the inherent inconsistencies in all this...What to make of this?

Well, here's what I make of it.

One. Obama realizes this is a big issue. And he was drilling the wrong side of it.

Two. Congressional Democrats have left him stranded by beating a line out of Washington without doing anything about it.

So...He changes. They don't.

He moves. They won't.

He's got a plan he says we should move on now.

They've got a vacation they say they should take now.

You can't make this stuff up.

Far from resolving the energy mess today, Democrats might have only succeeded complicating the issue today.

For themselves...And, as our congressional leaders, for someone else.


Cavuto: Candidates in an Olympic Race of Their Own