Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009

Spend $1M, Save One Job -- Is It Worth It?

Missed Monday's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on

Spend $1 million.

To save one job.

That's the deal.

That's what all this comes down.

50 billion bucks to save 50,000 jobs.

Roughly that. Now imagine that.

Then imagine the General Motors (GM) of three decades ago.

When it employed 619,000 workers.

When it was the world's biggest company.

And most profitable company.

An American brand. Now, an American stigma.

A carcass of the car company it was.

And even after spending all these billions, no one sure what it will be.

Or even -- gulp -- whether it will be.

A company now in bankruptcy… Something the government said would never happen.

To fight off foreign buyers… Something that has happened.

Because tucked amongst GM’s “Star Wars”-barroom-scene of investors is a very large contingent of Canadian ones.

Just as in the case of Chrysler, virtually all will be Italian ones, with fiat scooping up the car maker pretty much at our expense.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But sometimes a desperate need to step back.

And see what we've done.

Create a government car maker with 535 bosses in Washington.

And a former government car maker with a single big boss in Italy.

Never mind if we make money on this.

Please tell me what six million unemployed Americans are to take away from this.

Those 50-some-odd thousand workers mean more?

Or… just cost more?