Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009

Cavuto: Mark Sanford's Future Is Shot

Missed Wednesay's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on

The Gov not feeling the love.

And suddenly the grand old party in a grand old mess.

And here's the deal.

A gov feeling the heat.

And not the heat that got him in this heap of trouble.

And lest you think what happens in South Carolina stays in South Carolina, think for a moment who we're talking about in South Carolina.

Republican Governor Mark Sanford.

From "Terminator" sequel to "Love Gov No. 2."

And just when you thought no one could top Eliot Spitzer's fall from fame.

This rising Republican star zips up, or shall I say "down," to give it a shot.

Because Mark Sanford's future is shot.

Resigning as head of the National Governors Association because of a certain "association" with a friend from Argentina...

And a growing throng of disappointed Republicans wishing he would just "go" to Argentina.

Because perhaps the party's best advocate for fighting big government...Is now in the biggest fight of his life.
More focused on his marriage, which looks rocky.

Than a republican challenge to big health care, that increasingly looks doomed.

His peccadillo timing couldn't prove worse.

Just as Democrats rush a healthcare monster pegged at a trillion bucks and growing.

And the field of Republicans able to take it and the president on...Are down and dwindling.

Sanford today...

Nevada senator john ensign almost two weeks ago today.

So today, a mess.

Big healthcare coming. Big opposition melting.

And an already poorly polling Republican party hurting.

None of this is to say healthcare's a sure thing.

Just today, suddenly looking like a "surer" thing.

Because prominent Republicans are dropping like flies.

Not hard to figure.

After all, hard to be the loyal opposition.

When so many of 'em seem to have trouble being loyal...To their wives.

Look, we all know Democrats' eyes wander, too.

It's just a hell of a time for some Republicans' eyes to so publicly wander...Now.