Samstag, 30. Mai 2009

Cavuto: Taxes Galore

Missed Wednesday's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on

I hate to say I told you so...

But now, it is so.

Here's the deal.

I told you hiking taxes on the rich wouldn't cover this spending...That they'd have to dig lower, and shovel wider.

Today, they just did.

...pushing something long considered the third rail of tax proposals.

A national sales tax.

Democratic Senator Kent Conrad suggesting it.

Not a single prominent Democrat rejecting it.

A modern-day value-added tax that would cover everything from the eggs you buy to the egg-heads you seek out.

Let me explain.

Let's say you're feeling sick after leaving a store and paying all these taxes.

You go to see a doctor. But you're taxed on the visit.

Which drives you nuts. So you see a psychiatrist. But you're taxed for the therapy.

Which drives you to drink, but more taxes on what you drink.

Which drives you to suicide, which just drives your family nuts, because they're paying more taxes on everything from your casket to your plot to, if you're lucky, the flowers at your funeral.

Get the picture?

Not a pretty one. But for a Washington facing massive deficits and trillions more in spending for everything from expanded health coverage to whatever the bailout du jour is, you have to get that money from somewhere...

So...Why not everywhere ?

And if this value-added tax has no value, then why not a condemnation from any prominent Democrat anywhere ?

The best the White House can say is it's not in the mix right now. Refusing to rule out it might very well be “not too long from now.”

So now...who warned you about this.

I told you change was coming.

And you'd be paying a lot more than loose change for the privilege.