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Here's the deal:
The whole world is clueless.
It's why every major market fell big time today.
It's why our own Dow tumbled below 10,000 for the first time in more than four years today.
We...they...got the message today. Our cold is now the world's pneumonia.
And I'm here to report, it's not just us.
Not just our banks.
And our markets.
Not just our insurance companies.
And finance stocks.
It's theirs too.
In fact, if you can believe it, as bad as we are, the rest of the world is worse.
Here's why:
We've owned up to our problems...they're just beginning to grasp theirs.
We've come up with a solution, as ridiculous as I find it, they don't even know where to look.
Nowhere was and is that more obvious than in Europe.
And the vaunted European Union.