Samstag, 4. Oktober 2008

Cavuto: The Market's Moved On to Other Worries

Missed tonight's Cavuto? Catch "The Deal" right here on

Here's the deal:

Maybe "no" deal?

And it wasn't supposed to be like this.

The Senate rushes through a financial rescue package hoping to calm the markets.

The markets sell off.

Just like they did, although not nearly as dramatically as they did, when the House rejected said package on Monday.

Some have told me that's because many fear the House is going to reject this revamped package too.

I don't buy it.

I think the market's moved on...To other worries.

Like job worries. Like recession worries.

Like, well, lots of worries.

I suspect we might very well get the same reaction even if the House OKs this tomorrow.

Likely worse if the House does not.

I've long given up figuring the wisdom of the fact, they have little wisdom...but lots of greed.

The government's doing everything in its power to cater to that greed...and this is what it gets for the effort.

Indulgent parents, be warned...the more the kid screams, the more you should let the kid scream.

Take it from me, the kid can't scream for days...hours, yes, a lot of hours, sure...but not days.

They gotta sleep, after all.

And Washington has gotta move on.

But right about now, for both, easier said than done.

Cavuto: Markets Face Tough Love From Fed