Donnerstag, 13. August 2009

Cavuto: Now it's Chuck Grassley's Turn

Missed Wednesday's Cavuto ? Catch "The Deal" right here on

Now it's Chuck Grassley's turn.

And here's the deal:

One of the gang of six is getting ganged up on.

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley...One of the so called "Gang of Six" key swing senators, considered crucial to the passage of health-care reform, getting an earful on health-care reform.

Right now, he's holding one of those now very familiar town hall meetings.

His now Democratic colleague Arlen Specter all but shouted down at a couple of forums he hosted yesterday.

But Republicans by and large, unscathed in this public scathing.

That is, until now.

Now Grassley will see it -- and hear it -- for himself.

Here's why.

Grassley's one of the few Republicans open to some, actually a lot, of the things President Obama wants to do on health care.

That's why the President keeps inviting him to the White House. And trying to broker a deal from the White House.

He needs Grassley.

Anything to show whatever the President comes up with will have bipartisan support, even if it also means actually very little Republican support.

Something is better than nothing.

And Grassley is something.

Actually, he's a big something.

And for those planning to question their Senator today, he's a big target too.

The very face of the very big government health care a lot of 'em don't want, and a lot of 'em blame Grassley for pushing.

So stick around...This thing is going on as we speak.

Things could get interesting.

And loud.

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